Wayne Dyer Principles

Prasad Rao
3 min readApr 1, 2021

1. Have a mind that is open to everything, and attached to nothing;

  • No one is knowledgeable enough to be a pessimist
  • Most people look for reasons to be offended
  • A mind that is open is never offended by anything

2. You can’t give away what you don’t have

  • If you can’t have love, you can’t give love
  • If you have to give oranges, you need to get oranges
  • You keep saying give me this that.. the universe does the same thing to you, and you are always giving away
  • You can go to the ocean of abundance and take a Mack truck, and you can take as much as you want.. if you are closed, you will take very little
  • How may I serve? The universe says how may I serve you?

3. There are no justified resentments

  • No matter what anger or hate you encounter, there is no justification for resentment
  • Snake bite never killed anyone. It is the venom that kills you
  • Who wants to be a millionaire show has the $1000 level and then the $32000 level. For the $1000, at least get this .. blame has to go. You take responsibility for things in your life. For $32000, take anything and give back love
  • Patanjali — if you seek abstention of thoughts of harm towards anyone for anything, all living creatures will cease to have any fear or enmity towards you

4. Don’t die with your music still in you

  • What is that passion that you have, that you want to do.. take that step to do it
  • When you come to the end of your life don’t have regrets that you didn’t do something

5. Embrace silence

  • Meditate
  • One power
  • You can’t get wet from the word water. Doesn’t matter what you call it
  • Embrace the dichotomies of life.. silence between the notes makes music. No matter how many times you slice a magnet, you always have a North and South Pole

6. Give up your personal history

  • If you don’t have a history, you don’t have to live up to it
  • Like the wake from a boat, it is not propelling the boat

7. You can’t fix a problem with the same thing that created it

  • Accept that something didn’t work, change it

8. Treat yourself as already are, what you want to

  • A lot of what you are cannot be touched. It is made of things you think. Change what you think
  • Visualize your day, and go on about it

9. Cherish the divinity in you

  • Be connected with yourself, the divine self
  • Be aware of the beautiful child inside of you
  • Clock of life — you start at 12.. at 6 you are the farthest from the child in you. The second half is return to the child in you
  • Fill your life with the following new ways of being:
  • Quality rather than appearances. Independent of good opinion of other people. Approval is great, but you dont need approval. Ones who get the most approval, dont actually care for it. Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams. With one exception, not interfering with others pursuit of their own dreams — everyone has their right to pursuing their own dreams
  • Ethics rather than rules. I was just doing my job — it was the rules. If the rules are unethical, it is immoral to follow the rules. When your kids disobey rules, dont be surprised
  • Knowledge instead of achievement. Dont need merit badges. The importance of knowledge, for the sake of knowledge. We live in an achievement oriented world. Nothing wrong with goals, but falling in love with them is the problem. Lincoln never had a policy — I just did what made sense every single day
  • Personal Authority on yourself instead of being an Authoritarian. The ones who have the most authority, listens the most. Know thyself — said Shakespeare. Control is an illusion and never lasts
  • Serenity instead of acquisitions. Inner peace, joy in every moment. Appreciate your surroundings, the people, send them something

10. Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you



Prasad Rao

Software Engineer at Heart, Photography Enthusiast, Gadget Geek, Philosophy Student, Knowledge Manager